Posts Tagged‘travel bug’

4 of the craziest things I’ve done for an Instagram photo

Most bloggers or IGers won’t tell you all the nonsense they’ve done for a shot, but they’ve all done it. Because nothing in life is ever as perfect as a curated Instagram feed makes it look. And that doesn’t mean the experiences people post about aren’t real, but we’re not always keeping it real about what exactly those experiences entailed. So this is me keeping it real.

NOLA: Things to see, eat, do and know

New Orleans has this way of trapping you in its web and making you love it, of leaving you constantly plotting how to make your way back to it. I won’t pretend I’ve at all figured the city out, or know all the spots to go, but for the short time I was there, here’s what I learned, tried and loved.

What to wear when you travel

There’s been lots of talk about what’s appropriate travel wear ever since United Airlines stopped two little girls from boarding a plane wearing yoga pants (insert eye roll emoji) and then proceeded to put their foot in their mouth trying to explain why.

6 tips for loving solo travel

For some people, the idea of traveling somewhere solo sounds sad and lonely, while for others of us, it sounds like freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want. For those of you who haven’t tried it yet and aren’t sure, here are some tips for ways to do it and love it.

Q&A: My travel journey

It’s a little weird for me to write a blog that’s just about myself, but since many of you have had the same questions about how I filled my life with travel, I’m hoping this is something that might be helpful or insightful for those of you interested in getting more travel in your own life and wondering how to do it. So, here goes.