Some people don’t like to travel. And that’s OK. But the things they say about travel have definitely given me pause over the years.
The worst things people have ever said to me about travel

Some people don’t like to travel. And that’s OK. But the things they say about travel have definitely given me pause over the years.
I am carving out my own path on my own timeline and doing things my way rather than falling in line with what’s expected of a woman my age. But since you don’t always feel fierce for every moment of your journey, here’s how I cope with loving travel and not only what’s typical.
Since we talked about top spots for spring travel last week, it’s probably a good time to talk about all the best things to take on those in-the-works vacations—some for style and some for savviness. Here are my newfound travel must haves, things that will add easy organization to your lives and others that are just going to be fun to have on these hopefully upcoming spring and summer trips.
Beyond satisfying wanderlust, turns out travel does a whole lot of other really good things for women. For one, it makes us stronger.
Posting good Instagram photos comes down to three key things, and if you get those right, that’s half the battle. Here are my tried and true top tips for taking better Instagram photos.
Here are the best resources I’ve found that promise to help you live your best travel life.
It’s hard to put Carnival in Trinidad & Tobago into mere words, but if I had to chose one it would be: intoxicating. Think of the greatest fun you’ve ever had in life, multiply that by 10 and we might be getting close to what Carnival feels like.
If you’ve fallen in love with drone travel photos and want to buy one and take it everywhere, here’s what you need to know about where you can take it and what you can and can’t do.
Street art is one of those forms of expression that hasn’t had it easy. It’s been loathed, dismissed, and destroyed when it turned up in unwanted places. But as the years have passed and some places have either come to accept the urban art as a form of its own, or come to terms with the fact that they can’t do anything about its presence and so might as well embrace it.
I can’t say that I necessarily saw the real Rio in just two days, but when you’re visiting somewhere for the first time, there are usually some tourist spots you should probably hit. So here they are, the hotspots to add to your Rio to-do list.