Posts Tagged‘Tara Donaldson’

4 of the craziest things I’ve done for an Instagram photo

Most bloggers or IGers won’t tell you all the nonsense they’ve done for a shot, but they’ve all done it. Because nothing in life is ever as perfect as a curated Instagram feed makes it look. And that doesn’t mean the experiences people post about aren’t real, but we’re not always keeping it real about what exactly those experiences entailed. So this is me keeping it real.

NOLA: Things to see, eat, do and know

New Orleans has this way of trapping you in its web and making you love it, of leaving you constantly plotting how to make your way back to it. I won’t pretend I’ve at all figured the city out, or know all the spots to go, but for the short time I was there, here’s what I learned, tried and loved.