Posts Tagged‘wanderlust’

I was normal…once

I did live a normal life…for a time. I went to high school. I went to college (and didn’t even study abroad! WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I guess I must have momentarily lost my mind). I joined clubs in school. I got an internship. I got hired right out of college, which seemed utterly amazing at the time. I was working in the fashion business. Fashion and Business? Perfect. I went along enjoying work for a time, until of course I realized my life had come to a tragic end sitting in an office every day! Day after day after…

Doomed from the start

I guess I should explain how I contracted this disease. The truth is, I never had a chance. The travel bug knew me before I knew myself, and took the first opportunity it got to bite me. Long before I was even thought of, my own father contracted the bug, and decided the best remedy was joining the military. He wanted to travel, and travel he did. My mother, a free and energetic spirit, took any opportunity for a weekend excursion with friends. To make my chances of living a normal life even worse, my mother and father met when…

This is a disease

So you have to know you’ve got a problem when the ever repetitive (and usually annoying) sound of the security announcement at the airport conjures up an overwhelming need to travel somewhere, ANYWHERE. “This is a security announcement…” Sigh. Why am I here again? Oh right, picking someone up. What if I just get on a plane? Terminal 4? Quantas. Australia? Perfect. I’m ready to go, I’m not working so it’s not like I need to ask for the time off…I can go. Crap. Forgot to bring my passport! I should start carrying that thing on me like a driver’s…